Falmouth Town Council staff would like to invite volunteers to join us for a big spruce up along the main shopping centre of town on Wednesday 12 April between 9.15 and 12.30.
There will be a briefing on the Moor, outside the Old Post Office building at 9.15 where you will be given equipment and an explanation of the tasks for the day.
The work will be focussed on removing graffiti and posters along the main street.
What's involved?
You will be working in teams alongside both council staff and other volunteers.
The main tasks will be
- Removing graffiti
- Cleaning Signs
- Sticker removal
- Litterpicking
- Removal old signs and posters
- Painting graffitied walls and signs
Why get involved?
The Town Council does what it can to keep the town free of graffiti and flyposting. With your help, we can make real inroads into some of the worst hit areas. You'll finish the morning with a great sense of achievement and the gratitude of the council and residents alike.
How to get involved?
Please sign up for the Challenge via the website. For more information, you can contact karenhall@falmouthtowncouncil.com