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Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland seeking new volunteers

The Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland is an award-winning, proactive and enthusiastic community group working together to restore and develop our beautiful local woodland on the outskirts of Falmouth.

The woodland, originally laid out by visionary local landscape gardener Don Hoyle, is a key component of the Falmouth Green Corridor which links natural areas between Bickland Water Road and Swanpool.

The Friends' volunteers have been working tirelessly for more than a decade, carrying out a whole host of projects to enhance the area and make it more accessible and enjoyable to walkers of all ages..

The group is overseen by a small committee of volunteers who are hoping to attract around four new members. 

In addition to the new committee members, the Friends are also seeking new volunteers willing to help out with projects on site.

What's involved?

New committee members would be recruited to help with a variety of tasks such as helping coordinate the Friends' regular volunteer work parties and maintaining the group's social media presence by adding regular updates to its Facebook page. In addition there will be many other small, and not-so small, tasks required to help keep the group running smoothly.

For those wanting to volunteer on site, the Friends hold their Working Parties between 10am and noon on the second and fourth Saturday of the month. They meet at the Tool Shed near the Empire Way entrance to the Woodland.

Depending on the time of year, volunteers undertake a range of tasks to keep the woodland looking good for people and wildlife.

This can include cutting back overgrown trees and shrubs, clearing paths, repairing stone walls, introducing new planting, managing the pond area and a whole range of other woodland tasks.

For more information on the group please check out its facebook page


Why get involved?

The Friends are a proactive and enthusiastic community group, working together to restore and develop our beautiful local woodland in Falmouth.  They are now in need of a handlful of new committee members are well as many volunteers as possible to keep on top of the myriad tasks needed to keep this special space in tip top condition.

How to get involved?

For more information on how to get involved, particulalrly on becoming a new committee member, email

If you fancy rolling up your sleeves and joining the other volunteers on site, just turn up on the day at one of the Friends' regular Working Parties where you can meet regular helpers who will show you the ropes. 

Ideal Skills

  • Conservation
  • Copywriting
  • Gardening
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Photography
  • Reading/Storytelling
  • Social Media
  • Horticulture

Ideal Interests

  • Community Work
  • Computers and Technology
  • Conservation
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing and communications
  • Horticulture
  • Gardening
  • Outdoor work

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Swanpool Beach Clean - Saturday 12th April, 2025

For all the details of what's needed, please click on this link and sign up if you can Swanpool Beach BEACH CLEAN! | 12th April 10am | Beach Guardian and Age UK Cornwall & IOS | Facebook