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Help needed with maintenance at Falmouth Old Cemetery

The team at Falmouth Old Cemetery are appealing for volunteers to help with general maintenance tasks at Falmouth Old Cemetery.  This will include clearing footpaths and cutting back vegetation on stone walls and gravestones, which will need to be carried out with some sensitivity.  The site is also very important for wildlife and care must be taken not to disturb important habitat.

The main paths around the cemetery need to be accessible. However there are several areas across the site where scrub has overtaken and  requires major cutting back, especially around the network of paths.The arisings will be used to create habitat

A number of the headstones across the Old Cemetery have been shrouded with ivy and other invasive plants. Ideally these will be carefully removed so that the stone is clearly visitble and the inscriptions can be easly read.

In addiiton help is needed with the stone walls which are integral  to the structure of the paths and the cemetery itself. The walls have also dominated by ivy and other self-seeded shrubs which require curtailing by cutting back. 

All work will be carried out with hand tools only.



What's involved?

Working on your own or as part of a small team to bring overgrown vegetation back under control while being sensitive of your surroundings and the wildlife which call the cemetery their home. All tools and equipment will be supplied.

The hope is to have a group of volnteers who could offer help on a regular basis.

Why get involved?

Help maintain Falmouth's beautiful Old Cemetery and expose headstones which are currently hidden from view and improve the areas for wildlife.

How to get involved?

Contact Falmouth Town Council's Cemeteries' Officer  Matt Brotherton by emailing 

Ideal Skills

  • Conservation
  • Gardening
  • Maintenance and Repair
  • Horticulture

Ideal Interests

  • Community Work
  • Conservation
  • Horticulture
  • Gardening
  • Outdoor work

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